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Successful Prophets
Basically, reward and ancipation both use the same system, but differently.
Anticipation seems to come in through the senses and get sent throughout the
brain, but pleasure seems to come in from more evaluatey bits—maybe to help
us learn what’s rewarding.
Without more tasteful social behaviours to sample from, we’re liable to
attach very strongly to the behaviours of our group. Add a hostile environment,
normalised physical and emotional violence, and a lack of mental and physical
resources, and you have the ingredients for atrocity.
The strength of our attraction to a group is a function of how different a
group is from other groups in ways that we feel like we are, or like we want to
be. Our participation in the group depends on how we see it benefitting us, and
see us benefitting the group. The stronger both are, the stronger our biases to
stay engaged.
You could think of a collection of group dynamics like ‘groupthink’ or
‘deindividuation’ or whatever are bad. Or you could consider that our social
identity is formed by making the distinctions between in- and out- groups
clear. Then it all makes sense.
For group dynamics to produce really bad behaviour, you really need to work
at it. You have to train your authority figures to be cruel, prevent dissent or
disengagement, and intervene all the time to stop people fixing things. It’s
Mob mentality is fine
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