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Here you'll find all the btrmt. content from across the projects.
See everything I have on:
On (Un)happiness
stuff On the things that decorate the heart
Basically, reward and ancipation both use the same system, but differently.
Anticipation seems to come in through the senses and get sent throughout the
brain, but pleasure seems to come in from more evaluatey bits—maybe to help
us learn what’s rewarding.
BDSM is an ideology stack—a collection of behaviours borne of a culture
that surrounds some core set of human needs. But is it lazy? Hard to tell. It
seems easy to explain away parts of it as hormone hijacking and
socialisation, but there is something deeper there.
Stress is a good thing before it’s a bad thing. It motivates us to act. We
are scared of the f’s, but we don’t need to be. We should fight for things worth
fighting for and fly from things that aren’t. Use the f’s as guides to action,
not just things to avoid.
Neurotransmitters are psychological snake oil. A confidence game
pop-psychologists play with their audience. There is frankly no
convincing story of human behaviour made more comprehensible by talking
about dopamine.
This book is basically, “men are terribly emotionally fragile, and they
can make small steps to be better, but women need to just <em>stop
bothering them with all their pedantry</em> and just let them be who they