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stuff On self-celebration
Our brain clusters things that are similar to each other together. This
includes ideas and the words we attach to them. If your words are attached to
the wrong ideas, you’re going to struggle to make the connection for them.
Cultural and aesthetic ‘facts’ are as real as any ‘objective’ truths.
They’re just centred on different kinds of meaning. Trivialising them
because they ‘go against’ the evidence is failing to recognise what
evidence they care about.
Basically, reward and ancipation both use the same system, but differently.
Anticipation seems to come in through the senses and get sent throughout the
brain, but pleasure seems to come in from more evaluatey bits—maybe to help
us learn what’s rewarding.
The neural reward circuit implies that small, rewarding tasks that share
environmental context are going to be the most addictive, so break tasks into
small steps that end in a clear good feeling and optimise for a shared
BDSM is an ideology stack—a collection of behaviours borne of a culture
that surrounds some core set of human needs. But is it lazy? Hard to tell. It
seems easy to explain away parts of it as hormone hijacking and
socialisation, but there is something deeper there.