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On Ethics
stuff On conduct, ideal and otherwise
The obsession over objectivity is a confusion of two things. There’s
rationality, the desire to be less biased. Then there’s truth which is
going to be necessarily biased toward whatever aspect of the
world we’re trying to understand. In both cases objectivity is irrelevant.
Focusing on edge-cases of “trans-regret” is missing the point. If you actually
care about these cases, then the interesting issue are the underlying vulnerabilities
that lead to regrettable decisions. But probably you shouldn’t care.
We absolutely love some drugs. Others terrify us. The difference is familiarity
more than any other single thing and the result is confusion. A much more
principled framework for thinking about drugs is thinking of them as tools.
Panpsychists reckon they’ve one-upped materialists and non-materialists in
explaining how consciousness might have come to be by telling us that
everything is conscious. Then they just leave us hanging.
Greek philosophers argued whether social morality was a creation of the weak to control the strong, but of course this is simply another form of strength.