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stuff On achievement and excellence
Our brain clusters things that are similar to each other together. This
includes ideas and the words we attach to them. If your words are attached to
the wrong ideas, you’re going to struggle to make the connection for them.
Brain networks are groups of brain regions that work together. There are only
a handful of interesting ones, but you can actually use them to understand
human behaviour.
If you look closely, you’ll see that our ability to speak just hides the fact
that other processes are running the show. Find a way to cut the language
regions out, and you see other little consciousnesses start to take over.
Basically, reward and ancipation both use the same system, but differently.
Anticipation seems to come in through the senses and get sent throughout the
brain, but pleasure seems to come in from more evaluatey bits—maybe to help
us learn what’s rewarding.
The neural reward circuit implies that small, rewarding tasks that share
environmental context are going to be the most addictive, so break tasks into
small steps that end in a clear good feeling and optimise for a shared