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From Zero
We usually complain about systems ‘getting in our way’, with arbitrary
criteria that determine success. But this goes the other way too. Much of my
success and that of those around me is similarly mechanical. Not luck,
effort, or nepotism.
Nudging doesn’t work because people aren’t thinking hard enough. Everything is
choice architecture, so look to the way you build things in the first place or
turn to our deepest motivations—our communities.
Hydraulic despotism is the idea the critical resources are used to control
populaces. Once, water. Now tech. To counter this, we should learn to recreate
more basic systems from scratch, fostering self-reliance and innovation.
Focusing on edge-cases of “trans-regret” is missing the point. If you actually
care about these cases, then the interesting issue are the underlying vulnerabilities
that lead to regrettable decisions. But probably you shouldn’t care.