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Here you'll find all the btrmt. content from across the projects.
See everything I have on:
Thought Architecture
stuff On making chaos into meaning
Cultural and aesthetic ‘facts’ are as real as any ‘objective’ truths.
They’re just centred on different kinds of meaning. Trivialising them
because they ‘go against’ the evidence is failing to recognise what
evidence they care about.
BDSM is an ideology stack—a collection of behaviours borne of a culture
that surrounds some core set of human needs. But is it lazy? Hard to tell. It
seems easy to explain away parts of it as hormone hijacking and
socialisation, but there is something deeper there.
Bias reduces noise—if you know <em>roughly</em> what to expect, then being biased
by those expectations means you won’t get distracted by less relevant data
The ‘naming’ problem, where by naming something we feel we have explained it,
the ‘language’ problem, where the words we use stop others from
understanding, and the ‘question’ problem, where we fail to find the right
questions, are common and funny.
The ‘Great Man’ theory of history has the history of ideas moved forward by
individuals. But by thinking of these as ‘Great Ideas’, or better ‘spirits’
of ideas, we’re encouraged to examine their motivations, which is surprisingly effective.