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Collective Architecture
stuff On the structure of collectives
This book is basically, “men are terribly emotionally fragile, and they
can make small steps to be better, but women need to just <em>stop
bothering them with all their pedantry</em> and just let them be who they
I guarantee, no matter how sexy traditional gender roles are to you, that you do <em>not</em> want to be like Gray’s ‘men’.
Not only is there is absolutely no difference between men and women in how
they complain or offer criticism, but the ‘men’ Gray describe could be used as
textbook example of people with social anxiety.
The utility of violence isn’t in the violence itself, but
only in the threat of it. It creates immediate behaviour change,
but only for so long as the threat is active.
Fringe theories always seem to cluster together. It seems weird, but
mainstream theories also do, we just don’t often examine them. Examining why
different theory stacks arise reveals much about our biases, ideologies, and
the influence of community-based knowledge.