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Narrative Culture
Cultural and aesthetic ‘facts’ are as real as any ‘objective’ truths.
They’re just centred on different kinds of meaning. Trivialising them
because they ‘go against’ the evidence is failing to recognise what
evidence they care about.
The ‘Great Man’ theory of history has the history of ideas moved forward by
individuals. But by thinking of these as ‘Great Ideas’, or better ‘spirits’
of ideas, we’re encouraged to examine their motivations, which is surprisingly effective.
Fringe theories always seem to cluster together. It seems weird, but
mainstream theories also do, we just don’t often examine them. Examining why
different theory stacks arise reveals much about our biases, ideologies, and
the influence of community-based knowledge.
The obsession over objectivity is a confusion of two things. There’s
rationality, the desire to be less biased. Then there’s truth which is
going to be necessarily biased toward whatever aspect of the
world we’re trying to understand. In both cases objectivity is irrelevant.
Leadership consulting proposes to fix leaders, but because we can confuse
‘making leaders feel good’ with ‘making leaders better’ it usually fails.
It doesn’t have to though: just take the extra step from ‘collective
vision’ to ‘collective norms’.