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Economy of Small Pleasures
Basically, reward and ancipation both use the same system, but differently.
Anticipation seems to come in through the senses and get sent throughout the
brain, but pleasure seems to come in from more evaluatey bits—maybe to help
us learn what’s rewarding.
The neural reward circuit implies that small, rewarding tasks that share
environmental context are going to be the most addictive, so break tasks into
small steps that end in a clear good feeling and optimise for a shared
Social media use probably isn’t the problem. Social media use is probably
just the most obvious manifestation of lots of problems. And in fact,
social media could probably be a solution. It’s up to you.
Active listening isn’t about ticking boxes in conversation; it’s about
diving into emotions to transform surface-level chit-chat into deep,
collaborative dialogue. Forget models, focus on feelings.
To close the say-do-gap, we need to feel some ownership of the problem, we
need the social support to support the change, and we need to know how. Anything less will make us focus on how good thinking about
changing feels and not actually putting in the work.