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Stress promotes bias—stereotypical thinking and behaving. Less stress
promotes cognitive flexibility—an openness to new ways of thinking and
behaving. Neither is better than the other. It’s about the situation you
deploy them in.
The behavioural economists treat bias as an error. But the brain isn’t an
economist. It’s more like a statistician, using bias as a trade-off. Bias
ignores noise to see something more clearly, though of course, sometimes the
noise shouldn’t be ignored.
AI has human-like output, but a very different environment and different
<em>values</em> for than environment, and until all three align, they will never
<em>actually</em> be human-like.
Cynosure is the idea betterment is empty without gratification and
connection. No true betterment can occur without celebrating the fruits of
our success and betterment is only meaningful in its reflection in the lives
of others. Everyone agrees.
Our brain clusters things that are similar to each other together. This
includes ideas and the words we attach to them. If your words are attached to
the wrong ideas, you’re going to struggle to make the connection for them.