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You could think of a collection of group dynamics like ‘groupthing’ or
‘deindividuation’ or whatever are bad. Or you could consider that our social
identity is formed by making the distinctions between in- and out- groups
clear. Then it all makes sense.
For group dynamics to produce really bad behaviour, you really need to work
at it. You have to train your authority figures to be cruel, prevent dissent or
disengagement, and intervene all the time to stop people fixing things. It’s
We can think of motivations in terms of three things. There is the <em>content</em>:
what things motivate us. Then there is the <em>process</em>: how things motivate us.
And lastly, we have those things that <em>maintain</em> our motivation.
Individually, the disconnected dichotomies of intrinsic vs extrinsic,
normative vs motivating, ‘cognitive’ and ‘biological’, and the like have little
utility. But when you put them together, you can get some quite juicy fidelity
on why people do what they do.
Stress is a good thing before it’s a bad thing. It motivates us to act. We
are scared of the f’s, but we don’t need to be. We should fight for things worth
fighting for and fly from things that aren’t. Use the f’s as guides to action,
not just things to avoid.
'Harmful' group biases describe all group dynamics
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